Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Things I know

I know tattoos today are a very big thing. Though they are known to be pretty painful, many are making them apart of their life everyday. Tattoos to many are considered to be a way of art or expressing themselves. For example a person that may decide to tattoo a cross or Christ himself, are most likely symbolizing a sort of religion. I also know that just as wonderfully any tattoo might look outstanding on someone, there are a hand full of ways that one could go wrong. If a tattoo isnt cared for correctly it could easily become effected by any sort of bacteria. A tattoo have a long process as to how it is created. There are also different processes that one could follow, some safe and some very unsafe. I know has become to have a huge impact on the not only adult world but, also the teen world. Many are getting tattoos today young and old. And i have learned this from everyday experiences. I would say 8 out of teen teens have a tattoo. I know that in the past years there wasnt many with tattoos compared to the amount of people that are into them today. Some are even addicted to tattoos. I have been told by my peers that have gotten one themselves, that after your first design you become fasinated with them and how much they tell about you. Looking at a persons body could tell another alot about them and sometimes their personality. Many that have body art would mostly like get a design that says something them,their past, or even present. For example one may get a name of a family member that may have passed away, or their name even. Tattoos to are considered today as a must have, like an accessorie.


  1. I really like your topic and the fact that you are not against tattoos because you feel that they are a beautiful type of body art. I like the pictures you chose and your creativity in your blog posts. cant wait til its done.

  2. i really like your post this is really nice. cant wait til u get done so i could read more about it.

  3. This is an interesting topic. It's eye catching. Cant wait to see your finish project

  4. You're missing a link in this post.
